Il professor Cenerentolo Il professor Cenerentolo

Professor Cenerentolo tells the story of Umberto who, in order to avoid the bankruptcy of his disastrous construction company, attempted a clumsy shot in the bank together with an employee, who only gave him four years in prison! But if nothing else, in the prison of a beautiful Italian island: Ventotene. Now Umberto is at the end of the penalty and works during the day in the library of the village. One evening, in prison, during a debate open to the public, he met Morgana (Laura Chiatti), a charming woman. Morgana believes that he works in the prison and that he is not a prisoner. Umberto, taking advantage of the misunderstanding, began to frequent her during the working hours in the library. But every day before midnight, just like Cinderella, he must run back into the structure!

Il professor Cenerentolo

Directed by

Leonardo Pieraccioni

Release date


Leonardo Pieraccioni


Laura Chiatti


Il professor Cenerentolo
Il professor Cenerentolo
Leonardo Pieraccioni

Leonardo Pieraccioni


Laura Chiatti

Laura Chiatti
